you're in maintenance mode
you've either come here because you wanted to bypass that "site is down" screen, or you're wanting to find out what the site is going to have soon, or you're just hat testing out something.
navigation menu
this site is if it was made in the old windows era as a theme. this theme is supposed to look ugly on purpose, representing how websites looked like in the 90s and probably maybe in the early 2000s. there are also many easter eggs in this site, and also a secret page. try to find as much easter eggs as you can! (btw, you have to manually type urls to find these easter eggs, so keep on getting error pages until you get a found page!) the rest of it is just me of my own stuff. you can check it out if you want to.
- sunday, april 28, 2019 - ever wanted to advertise my site as a button by adding it to your site? well now you can!!!!! just insert this into your site, and then you get my button in your site!
- monday, march 25, 2019 - cool epic new funny gifs at the bottom of this page. credit to the gif creator for making that neocities gif thing
- monday, february 4, 2019 - we have a ms dos command prompt now. check it out.
- wednesday, january 9, 2019 - holy heck i cant believe we hit 10k views!!!!!!!!!! i'd thought i'd never update this site ever again in like a few days of how lazy i am, but apparently this site has survived for months now. this is my only thing that i have been kept to do. when we reach better milestones, i'll announce them. ok????
- wednesday, january 2, 2019 - first update of 2019 (happy new year!) there are now these bars for each section of the site on this page. very boring update but I just added it to polish my site, I guess.
- friday, december 14, 2018 - i changed the site's text to gray incase you thought the website looked a little odd, this change happened because swoo's eyes were burning of how light the text was so i did it.
- update 2 tuesday, november 20, 2018 - new navigation bar!
- tuesday, november 20, 2018 - there is now a things page. very special page.
- monday, november 19, 2018 - links now look different. also new cursor, might look a little weird, but I MAY fix.
- sunday, november 18, 2018 - clippy's here! that guy from microsoft office, but he got fired... well now he's back in my website!
- thursday, november 8, 2018 - added hatbot page
- update 4 saturday, october 6, 2018 - if you are idle for 60 seconds on this site, you will be redirected to a screensaver page, for the a e s t h e t i c s
- update 3 saturday, october 6, 2018 - added a "random stuff" section to the homepage, first thing added to this section is a hat trapped in a box, and he cant get out.
- update 2 saturday, october 6, 2018 - made it so if you go to a external site it warns you, also I removed the wiki from the navigation, it was just useless, but you can still find it.
- saturday, october 6, 2018 - made it so loading a page makes the windows xp click sound. also removed the music from the homepage, dunno why.
- thursday, october 4, 2018 - I have a good meme, go to the notebook page and go to note 8, and press that button, theres a good meme waiting for you.
- update 4 wednesday, october 3, 2018 - god damn, i've been working on this site all night. I need to take a break, but I have added the classic windows 95 cursor, and i've also added the classic windows 95 scrollbar, so your scrollbar has turned into a windows 95 scrollbar, cool css design and stuff, ok i'll stop working on this site now.
- update 3 wednesday, october 3, 2018 - we hit 3,000 views bois.
- update 2 wednesday, october 3, 2018 - I added a wiki to this site. I also added a "fact of the day" thing, and changed the hypertext links to their meanings instead of the same word.
- wednesday, october 3, 2018 - made the title of this homepage a 3d gif, also removed the good meme at the bottom of the page because it could take a lot of cpu space if you run this site on a potato.
- tuesday, october 2, 2018 - changed a tiny little bit of stuff. also theres a good meme at the bottom of this page.
- update 3 monday, october 1, 2018 - I have changed this site's name, so it is instead of if this breaks anything, please contact me on discord. thanks.
- update 2 monday, october 1, 2018 - i've removed the old website link, the old website still exists though. I also have removed the places link, because places has been discontinued as a roblox game, and will be just a thing for my friends from now on. also, by the way I havent updated this site in a long time because of that bug but it seems like it has been fixed. so yeah.
- monday, october 1, 2018 - im testing if this bug is fixed. (edit: its fixed, thanks neocities)
- saturday, august 4, 2018 - there is a very weird bug in this site, where if you just go to the site, the notebook option appears for the site, but when you go to a page, then click the homepage button, the notebook option disappears for the site. very weird. I have investigated this in my sites code but I dont really see a issue. very weird. EDIT: this is actually weird. it also does it for this update. this means that it wont update the site anymore when you click the homepage button. this is actually strange.
- friday, august 3, 2018 - added the notebook page. it's a page where I take notes.
- Sunday, July 1, 2018 - added a "go back" button to the not found page, so if you screw up you can go back, instead of going back to the homepage again.
- Monday, June 25, 2018 - changed the windows startup on the site again.
- Sunday, June 24, 2018 - fixed music on the site. this is because I use soundcloud embeds instead of youtube embeds.
- Friday, June 22, 2018 - added a songs page to the site, has soundcloud embeds.
- Wednesday, June 20, 2018 - added a custom cursor to the site, which is a cursor from a windows 95 theme.
- Tuesday, June 19, 2018 - pretty much almost every page in the site now supports the mobile-friendly thing which just fits the size of your browser or device and will also now support embeds too.
- Monday, June 18, 2018 - almost everything in the website is lowercased now except for the letter I. I also made this site kinda mobile-friendly because it will now fit the size of your browser, or device. right now it only works in the homepage, but i'm going to make it for every page on the site.
- Sunday, June 17, 2018 - I also added a website description and more, so if you link the website in discord for example, it will show information about the site.
- Sunday, June 17, 2018 - I added a favicon to the site to make it more unique.
- Monday, June 11, 2018 - I added the Places page to the site now. I was working on it yesterday!
- Saturday, June 9, 2018 - Added the rss feed section for the blog, then removed it, because it wasn't really useful, you could just view the blog.
- Friday, June 8, 2018 - YIKES! Even more updates! I've added a games page, and updated the not found page. This is a lot of coding for me today!
- Friday, June 8, 2018 - Centered the navigation pages, and added a info page I was working on yesterday and finished today!
- Friday, June 8, 2018 - I removed music, since music used a invisible iframe which google chrome blocked iframes, so most people could not hear music. Seriously Chrome, how are people supposed to embed things to their sites?
- Thursday, June 7, 2018 - The website is made, and we add a lot of features!
random stuff