hattoBot commands

the prefix is =

=hi - says hi back to you. - alias - hello

=ping - pong

=pong - ping

=eval - Allows the bot owner to send code to the bot - BOT OWNER ONLY; DANGEROUS COMMAND.

=help - Sends this page. - alias - cmds, commands

=about - Shows information about hattoBot. - alias - info, information, hattobot

=randomimage - This sends a random image to the channel.

=randomvideo - This sends a random video to the channel.

=defaultdance - Default dances everyone in the chat.

=pocoloco - POCO LOCO'S everyone in the chat!

=random - hattoBot says a random message.

=time - Tells the time in a different form.

=logo - It just shows the hattoBot logo. Made for testing purposes.

=bet - You dont need to ask yes or no, you can just ask hattoBot and he'll decide for you.

=idea - It gives you an idea to do.

=generatememe - It generates an meme by choosing a random meme caption, then choosing a random image.

=kick - kicks a user ADMINS AND MODS ONLY; this detects a role by NAME, not permissions, so for example if you name a role "s" and you give it a administrator permission, it still wont be able to kick, because this command judges it by the name of the role, not the permissions the role has.

=ban - bans a user ADMINS ONLY; DANGEROUS COMMAND; this detects a role by NAME, not permissions, so for example if you name a role "s" and you give it a administrator permission, it still wont be able to ban, because this command judges it by the name of the role, not the permissions the role has.

=serverinfo - tells information about the server you are in

=faq - sends the user the faq page

hattoBot homepage

  • homepage
  • hat studios